“I get by with a little help from my friends”
About Us
Sutherland Care Forum is here to help a wide variety of people in East Sutherland whose needs are not being met by statutory authorities.
What we are about
Sutherland Care Forum (SCF) is a Registered Charity (Charity No. SC042741) established in 2011 to support and represent service users and unpaid carers with wide variety of needs. All our services are free for the users and are accessed in particular by older people, families, single parents and those with a disability or health issues including dementia. We aim to identify problems and gaps within care service provision and if possible offer direct support. By listening to our clients we can often spot patterns where needs remain unmet. We are then able to pass concerns onto other local service providers and planners and work together to develop solutions. We also offer confidential advice and where necessary refer people to the right person or agency who can help them. All are welcome to contact us to see if we can be of help.
Sutherland Care Forum (SCF) is a Registered Charity (Charity No. SC042741) established in 2011 to support and represent service users and unpaid carers with wide variety of needs.
Supporting people
How we do this
SCF does not charge for its services or receive any statutory/public funding. Its main source of income comes from grant-giving organisations. These include Highland Hospice, Bank of Scotland Reach Programme, Anne Duchess of Westminster Charity, The Robertson Trust, Big Lottery Fund and Sir George Earle Benevolent Fund. Generous donations have been received from St Finnbarr’s charity shop, Edinburgh Sutherland Association and the local Bank of Scotland Charity Fund. SCF also relies on income it can generate through its own fundraising activities and events.
Make an Appointment
We are happy to make an appointment for one of out team members to meet with you to discuss your needs.
Call us When You Want 01408 634171
Send a Message
Contact Us
Sutherland Care Forum
Craig House
Main Street
KW10 6TG
Service Manager Isobel Murray
Telephone: 01408 634171 – Answering machine messages checked regualry.
Mobile: 07907 595962
Email: IsobelMurray@sutherlandcareforum.com